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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Motivation through spirituality

Hello folks. Many of you may not know me, in fact, I am slightly disjointed from this community. However, I always have this nagging feeling, like "I really wish I spent more time on Matt's Arumpahpah: gardyloo! thing.

Every month or two, I will get exited about it, and start thinking of things to blog/rant/expunge from my mind on to the webverse. I will go through past posts and enjoy the talent, but eventually I will be bogged down by the immensity of the catching up I have to do. Soon rapid firing brain will move on to the next tantalizingly fun idea. Without finishing here my mind moves in a never ending cycle of zipping from idea to idea, without any completion.

Well finally I came to this realization, with help from my lifelong friend Travis.

Now I know this is sort-of going to turn into an advertisement/endorsement of another blog, but before that turns you off, I implore you to keep reading.

Now my buddy Travis has spent the last few years devouring a plethora of books, blogs, and websites devoted to self-help. He is also quite a spiritual (hint hint.. spiritual not religious) guy, not the preachy type though.

Anyways hes combined these two elements of his life, self improvement, and spirituality, and created a blog about how the two are inextricably linked.

His ideas here are whats opening my eyes to now ways of bettering myself.

I hope you will give it a shot, even if your not into the whole spirituality stuff. At the very least it makes for great reading, and content that makes your mind churn.


Ps, I hope to be around more often!! For real this time!

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