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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Am I not alone in memory?

It stings far more than I thought it would. It was of no surprise, but a slap in the face is still a slap in the face even when you brace yourself for it. There was no provocation, no reason as of late for it to happen, though it did. and I suppose it was long overdue. And the worst part, I dont even know when. Must have been at the outset of the new year. Both of them.
Like I said, I'm not surprised, but there was just something about it that made me hopeful I guess.
Oh well.
I suppose that chance encounter will never happen. It's true, the more you think about it, the less likely will it happen the way you imagine it to be.
so why do I still think about it? And am I not the only one of us like Ive secretly suspected all this time?
Am I not alone in memory?

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