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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tuck away

"My sister and I always had to choose between going blind or going deaf. We'd talk about it in the dark. Eventually, one of us will go blind and one of us will go deaf. We'd have to figure out a way to communicate because, God, what a lonely world it would be without a sister.

I sometimes thought I'd prefer to be deaf. I could still walk around, travel, explore the world like I've always dreamed. Curl up on the couch and read a book.

I sometimes thought I'd prefer to be blind. I could learn how to read with my fingers and stay up all night talking, and it wouldn't matter because it would be dark anyway. I could hear the music and the sounds that are so comforting, so valuable.

Then I realize that no matter what, I could only communicate with my sister with some sixth sense. So I'm looking for one to tuck away inside me until the day comes when we lose our senses."

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