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Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a difference a month has made

I wasnt exagerating before. I feel like a new person in a lot of ways, some good and others bad. I drink now, a lot more than a responsible guylike me sbhould. I'm eager to drink again on my birthday, as my roomies will ost likely pick up the tab.
I've been involved in many shiffty and illegal transactions thus far, and I'm not proud of that, especially since my folks told me to promise them I'd stay away from the dangers of drugs and alcohol. But what can I say other than the usaul excuses? If I treat this like a differnet life, than I have to LIVE it like a differnet life. And life is not balanced without discord, and theres nothing like shaking the very foundations of your beliefs and morals to cause internal discord.
If its any consolation, reader, or to me, I definitely WONT be involved in these particular discoordinating things when I go home. I promise that.

On the flip side, I feel more confident in my walking abouts. I'm planning on skdiving twice over mid term break, that should be fun. the cool part about if though, for me, is thaat a month ago, I had NEVER booked ANYTHING myself, let alone plane tickets, bus traspo, hotel arrangements, jump booking and all the reast.
I'm socailly comfortable with everyone I encounter, even those who speak different languages,. and trust me that happens an awful lot.
THe semester applies no pressure on my life, I feel the only stress so far has been planning for the break, and what I'll do about seeing everyone Chesterside upon my return.
Everything seems different now, and the more I'm here the more I believe that this is a different LIFE all together. I'm not Harper anymore, at leaszt not while I reside here in physical history.
My roomies haved dubbed me HP, for HarPer. Its an odd name, with a dull but funny story behind it, but its also a symbol. I'm no longer Harper, but I hope in some ways to become him again, or at leazst to merge with him when I come back. I'll act different, talk different, look different, BE different, buit I WONT BE different either,. Deep in myh skull, Im still Thinking like bharper, Being harper in thought.
I suppose thats true even here, so harper has already merfged with HP, and the merge will happen again in late april.

I guess that was the point all along, I needed to escape from the person I was before. I dont know how much I showed it, but I hated a lot of things about last semester, and most of this agony was self inflicted, or self directed. Not anymore. I know that what has happened to me to which Iàve been so fixated was unfortunate and sad, but not tragic. Not nearly as tragic as I let on to believe. I look forward to going home, and going back to school, and not thinking about the stresses and riggers of the soap opera I created last year.
Anyway, thats why I came here, cause I hoped I would be able to forget the past harper.

I truely have rotated 270 degrees.

Now easy living is running amok in a safe way till the sun shows
Boon is waiting in the old school flavors
gold rubies and emeralds
across the sea and south of the cold where nothing from this home can follow

However, the head can only be in the clouds a short time
for sorrows have proven
there are
some things worth coming back for.


Shannon said...

The perfect song came on as I read this.

Another country, another home, another life, another time, another future. Something better, something greater. Never regret. Do as you choose, live in history in the making. Wander the alleys searching for something, that one beauty to engulf your toes and fingers in something more. Planes with you will land here once more and we will all have open arms.

Shannon said...

(That wasn't the song btw.)