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Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Me Typing...

We use to think of it like thumps. Like yelling through the ceiling, back up to the people you only imagine watch lifetime movies and sit, toothbrushes in mugs, old teeth, pressing weights. Babies unborn, and all mysteries dead.
Don't let it rise. The doubt sounds pathetic coming out. You should know better. Refrain. Settle down into the night, suddenly getting fatter, wear more layers to the gym. She said, eat more. I'm sure I don't need more grains, sinking, into the thighs of, tight tiny spandex. Who told her that was a good... idea.
Live big and now. Grab what you want. But I'm old. Falling apart. Fingers explode and leave bruises. I slip in the tub and my neck should be snapped and I should have a broken hip, back, ego. Buy I trip, trop out and put on heels and pretend.


I was only there hours.

You were only here hours?

I mean I only slept with you twice and it should take longer for you to feel it...

He laughs.

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