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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

repeated dream

Im 5
We start a race, me and the infamous we.
We start with a sprint down a cement track with a grand water fall to our left.  The water is hitting the cement with no splash or break in texture; so the cement is liquid, which makes it much harder to run.
We take a right around a wall and into a flooded garbage dump.  I grab a discarded water floaty to ease my passing through the dump, but a fellow competitor pops it so I have to wade the rest of my way through this stretch.
We take another right up a hill leading from the garbage dump to a ramshackle old house.  Its not part of the race but we all go through it.  Inside are classic movie monsters.  Frankenstein wolfman dracula the mummy etc.  I get scared and run into a small closet bathroom.  I hide under the sink and the wolfman comes in to look for me.  He looks straight at me and leaves.  I make a run for it.  Out the house I go, I take another right on the track into a fairground of JUST ferris wheels, mostly yellow.  I hope into a basket and enjoy the ride for a bit.  
Now if you've been keeping track, thats 3 rights I've taken.  The last leg of this race is me reaching the end of the fair grounds and finding a cliff that over looks the water fall from the start of the race.  I jump off the cliff and land in the liquid cement.  The starting line IS the finish line.
I wasnt first place, but they gave me the gold medal anyway.

In other versions of this dream, I skip the house altogether because I know now whats in it.  Sometimes the garbage dump isnt flooded or I find I dont need the floaty to make my way through.  Sometimes I bypass the ferris wheels altogether and earn the gold.

I havent had the dream in years, I feel a bit overdue...

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