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Sunday, September 20, 2009

I just gottta survive the day. one cay.

full of survivers adreneline. Can hardly stand still , its like 12 cups of coffee and three monsters inside me. Almost died today. almost joined some friends. No idea things would get soo intense in less than one day. only consolation was interupted by the horde once again..
I just got word that its not just paranoia. Everyone really IS out to get me.
I'd like to document as a social and self experiment how the days will roll by. Shoot nerf and film during the day's travels. Keep a journal. like this one. but maybe leave it somewhere for someone else to find one day after the turmoil has passed. If you dont hear back from me, its because I've lost my voice. Its rotted away.
Wish me luck,

everyone I know is dead. Bravo is Zero plus one, Alpha will soon be maybe 2 of infinity. I need to go to class, but how can I when the ONLY peopl;e I share classes with who are also playing are dead and rotting!?!
I cant stand being alone. We are soon gonna be 10 of 25 still human. If this is how the world ends nerf style, Im gonna hate if it happens for real.
Consider this my last contact on this regard. The internet is infected now too, and I wont like being tracked like an animal.
A wolf in overdrive goes mad.
Yours till my dying day,

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