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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

at least 1:35 in the morning

crying loreal, return from walkings and bitches being bitches.  Creepy and annoying and stupid lady  just being a bitch.  CAnt stand it anymore, surprised Im writing this down, for all to see.  moving on please!!!!
scared but goodnights are long overdue and life can get happier.  Please everyone sleep!  no more BFF talk, no more fiction, no more gossip.  Cant we ALL just get along?!  No more no more no more no more.d  just in case this is the end of the post, Im sorry for the immaturity.  And im sorry for the louzy repetative language.  Im not that articulate.  obviously.
noes goes.  
GOGOGOGOGO you crazy crazy person!
how do I tolerate everyone here when I cant stand being with them 80 percent of the time!?

Screen just got far better, sicknesses are leaving the body in phlegm form.  This cant be a bad sign.. I'll just be pretend the past few paragraphs arent real.  Join me. its 1:40

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