This is a stream-of-consciousness blog for people to contribute to. Email to join in.

Friday, January 16, 2009

series individual.

gestalt: defined a configuration - organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts: "THE UNIFIED WHOLE"

(an instance or example of such a unified whole)

The word came to mind in my pondering of ghazal, the poetical structurations of such arcane constructions - two lines two lines two lines (or three lines? or three lines three ines? a combination of the simple things)

since betraying the simple notions i have abandoned once and was and not and here the streaming knowledge bathes down.

"it's not that I'm jealous- I just don't like people touching my thins" - that's not mine, but it was around and now I've possessed it; such is the nature of experience and our consumption of it - after you consume this it can become yours and excrement or regurgitate or whatever it isyou wish.

i give a series individual thoughts and we pour and we pour like the rain

it takes one to draw connections between the distempered and the disconnected and i hope you have the coin and the pencil because i'm not buying lunch. In it's purset form the stream of consciousness is nonsense, or is it complete sense, when the mind grows the connections that we read on ceral box labels.

faithless faith falls false feelings fears falbes.

abrupt the end the snow the wind it brusn the chesks and they pale pink the blood spills through the the throat and burns and here the sun comes down to touch lips and here the moon comes down and here we lay together briefly.

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