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Thursday, September 2, 2010

You entrust me with your dreams, your memories. So that I can make you remember all of your happy times. do you even think about the ones you trust? for what reason other than title makes us more responsible with your thoughts and emotions than any person on the street? I know its nothing. I can live amongst your memories, like the sandman in your dreams. I can copy your experiences, and retrace your steps, and you let me unknowingly. There was a time Im told when people used to be more concious of their impact on us keepers lives, when you were embarrased to let us in on your family dinners and endless birthday parties. Whether you know it or not, every funeral procession I feel like im missing out on. Every vacation I regret not being there with you. you have that power over me, and im not willing to let that go. The best part is youll never know how connected we can feel to some of you. In fact MOST of you we shrug off. Another graduation, more prom nights, sports events, house construction, long lost friends. Ive had enough of those. I cling to those that go the distance, and make me remember theres an art to all of this. Memories are artistic.

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