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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Steam off the used trucks and compacts.
First thing in the morning I can see what I say. ANd a morning of old ladies warns me of routine.
One lady was so old she had spiders in her hair. living, literal, legit spiders.
I plucked them off of her like a monkey, though I sure as hell wouldnt eat them after.

One day I'll be that old. And if im not careful and attentive, It could be tomorrow. Im already on my way. 2 busted fingers so anything I touch hurts. I'll have the gangrene stephanie once told us about. where it smelled from being washed and bundled up for so many proud years.

Mike laughed when I told him how much it would suck to become blind now that Ive finally paid off my camera. I guess I shouldnt think long-term anymore.

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