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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In My Pocket Tuesday Night

FOUND (not stream-of-thought, but perhaps worth it):

though they are constructed differently, and respire differently, acytota, bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, and plants posess the same basic spirit. Even animals posess this basic energy of life--the spark that allows for respiration. Teh spirit that drives a simple body in the same as that which drives a complex body (plant, fungi, or animal).
that which seperates the animal from the rest is the ability to think--which always includes sentience, and may also include sapience. Few animals are apient--among them are humans


body - being - khat/sahu
spirit - respiration- sekhem
mind - sentience - ka
self- sapience - ba
soul - morality - heart

non-sentinet spirits =>
acytota simple
fungi complex

all life respires, therefore all life posseses [spirit]
animals, having the ability to sense, posess [sentience]
those higher animals which are also self-aware posess [sapience]

an "evil spirit" is a life form that perpetuates its existence without regard of others -> viruses and bacterial infections can be classified as "evil spirits.

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