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Saturday, May 29, 2010

(another transcribed from my illustrious art history notebook)

first I eat CAKE

then i fuck cats. lots of pussy. in dark alley ways andnight skys under hot parkinglot building ehcoeing cement. easy niquil induced sleep brings me closer to god. cake has frosting so sweet my gums bleed. eating up the whole of the world. tendrils seek out the jelly filled middle of the world. All is calm. all is chaos on the moving train. the surge of the desert is deep but the ocean is swift. wail song lingers in my mouth brine drips over my lips the seas of the sky are parting. cinamon expanses heave and roll life-like and slithering like so much kneaded bread. The earth is only the shell of a snail we oze and slime and breath through our sides yellow cheese cake, corn bread and slime. easy waking dreams collected like so many out dattted magazines. we are the best. the worst. here is our last great monument to sodomy our last indulgence. I always chew the host. Its one last waking moment before the earth howls and your brain shuts down. One last shining pictograph before sleep.

ambrogio loerenzetti
-presentation at the temple: consult and share journey man
-allegory of good governement
bichorna tablets
-book covers. closing report for end of elected term.

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