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Monday, March 29, 2010


like roses on fingertips. the rain needs to learn not to take itself so seriously. the rain needs to learn that typos happen in the course of things, and that it's important not to erase. the rain needs to learn that it doesn't need to carry a knife on the subway. the knife needs to learn not to be afraid. the rain needs to learn form the knife. the saboteor needs to learn from the rain. hence balalnce. hence balalalalalalalalalance. its ululuations. ululations. ululululululululuulations. the rain needs to learn that money doesn't grow on trees. the rain needs to learn to sing sometimes because how else are you going to live. the rain needs to learn that twenty-three-years-old-is-not-too-old-to-be-old. the rain needs ot learn that its okay to drink. the rain needs to learn that its okay to get high. the rain needs to learn that when its raining it should wear a raincoat, rain's coat. the rain needs ot learn that its okay to love. the rain needs to learn that its okay to juggle desire. the rain needs ot learn how to go down on you better. the rain needs to learn how to tonguewaggle. the rain needs to learn how to type faste.r the rain needs ot learn the esence of motivation its strugles how it goes how it goes how it goes.

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