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Monday, November 16, 2009

stop thinking, start working

so what today?
more happy go lucky sundance tales of yore?
or more recent complaints over internal systems?
or maybe a startling new revelation which I will now share with every audience?

not until this jargon sparks a conversation with a reader will any of this have any point, so until its all been seen, whats the purpose?

jargon is a word I enjoy tossing simply because it means to me the junk, the waste, the flotsam and jetsam of whatever Im referring to. thats what this is. my Flotsam and Jetsam. Ariel's eels, taunting her with failure and obliteration. Tide pool trash. washing along unnoticed until some sob walking their dog discovers it under their sandal. The smell of low tide, actually a smell I enjoy. It reminds me after all that Im at a beach, and no fowl smell will change that. I guess its one of the few things to be thankful for, and not whiney about. Where else can on get premium salt water taffy at a steal? where else can lobster be as guiness in ireland? where else is it not only customary to feed the guls, but to revere them as its their domain? Its no wonder homes are so expensive there, and still its wondrous how the home owners could complain about a little natural thing like the smell every 9 hours when I would happily trade places.

we dont all know what to be thankful for. Maybe thats why thanksgiving has never really been that epic to me.

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