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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

7 behind

shouldne even be etaking the time to rambel there. no time but the little I have tp workd. why then do i insist on doing this to myself? I never ussed to be a student like this, Ivee always beena procrastinator but I;ve never slacked this bad. typing too fast to spell correctly, not even looking tathe screen, barely hitting backspace. watnt to just rest atop my parking garage back home. 5 stories a bove all other problems, alone with the birds, and church steeples. no one disturbs me, and I have a large desert of concrete to befreind. I can read, I can walk, I can breath slow, can smile. why cant i find any other place like that? That seems to be THE place. the place was searching for all summer long. I had thought I couldve found a lake or a place by the river to set up a hammock and bring a lunch with a book, but I never got around to finding JUST THE RIGHT PLACE. It was in concord the entire time, I have the parking garage now, just in time for winter to settle in and take it away from me, then spring to rain on, then summer when the tourists will fill up that desert and take all the privacy away from me. DAmn. but where then else? I cant take any of the woods, the mosquitos will make sure of that. no river or lake. casue all the places I find are places Id have to share. I cant find any clearings, they all lead to someone's backyard. I cant choose a building, cause that would destrpy the point. I need the seclusion, I need the privacy., I want to be sorta like Alexander Supertramp. He found a perfect spot (or so he thought) and he was happy for a time., thats all I want, only without the whole dead thing...
so anyway, these chapter summeries wont write themselves, I guess io can look away from the computer now.,,

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