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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sudden Bravado

Here I am, gearing up:

i am dreaming a story
about a man on one side
with a man on the other
and it ends in death as all
these sort of stories do.

i've heard that this is an
immature way to discover
the world but how else does
one know? these are little things
and well, and well, and well,
i don't konw.

in a field there is a cow
and she is baying and she
is sobbing her eyes out.

sherlock holmes discovered
the hound of the baskervilles
was (spoiler alert) a dog
painted phosphorescent
but he didn't realzie the
love of his life was standing
behind him all along

i cut my finger filling my
car with gasoline, and pumped
myself full; now i feel ready
to explode into flame.

this is all i have to tell you;
you should read into yourself more

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