a string was tying up the inside of his ear. He said it hurt when he pulled it, but it was affecting his hearing, so he was trying anyway. I suggested maybe it meant something really deep, like he's got something locked up inside him that needed to be set free, or maybe he's heard something, good or bad, that he will never forget.
He said "Na, it was probably because I slept on my ear funny and it hurt and affected my dreams"
Note:From now on, when posting a new item, please make sure to label it (in the little label box at the bottom of the new post screen) with your name, as I've done for all the previous ones: e.g. Poster ENC labels enc, Poster Harper labels harper, Poster MaKeR labels maker, etc, etc. Thanks!
Hi, my name is Matty Williams. I wanted to start this because we all have brains, and they are all doing silly or crazy or angry or sexual or whateverthings all the time. A lot of blogs are one person saying stuff. This blog is about everyone's brains. This is a chance for you to let your brain talk. I want you to join in, and let your brain talk. That's why there are a couple guidelines if you start contributing:
-Contributions must be stream-of-consciousness: stay away from correcting yourself, or worrying if it makes sense. It doesn't necessarily mean automatic writing, but that counts too. It doesn't even have to be words or sentences. LET YOURSELF GO.
-Have fun. Or don't. Your mind will take you where it wants.
-This is a friendly, collaborative community. You are allowed to post comments as responses to contributions. Ideally, these responses should also be stream-of-consciousness writings inspired by the piece you are commenting on - this is not required.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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