This is a stream-of-consciousness blog for people to contribute to. Email to join in.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

its been months

I really considered it. I know what to ask for, I know the lingo enough to play smart. I know who to ask. And that would probably be the worst birthday present I could give. It's selfish and unforgivable. pay no attention to the legality behind the curtain. no one would be suspecting, but unforeseen actions play a role in every stupid idea. its not worth it. and I cant compromise what I have for some cheap thrill. Best to distract myself from reconsidering it again.
And if this wasnt vague enough, I can only imagine what my next post WOULD have been like had I decided to attempt this.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ode to michigan

I danced to music that was built to trip to. The lights and sounds and videos were meant to install bliss and relaxation into the minds off all who were involved. The LSD was in mass doses that night, and I as straight edge as could be jumped and gyrated through the lost crowd to the melodies(?) of industrial light and magic. I recognized one from the crowd. My old roomie. DMT was rocking his brain, but not to the point where he was as lost and wandering as the faceless herds of new age artists hippies and morons. He was dancing and jumping as though he was native american leaping around and through the fire and flames. We rain danced. We warded off the zombie swarms. We were being, not just existing.

Earlier that weekend, I saw a boy lying on the ground. His eyes open, and a brighter blue than the sky. His lips parted in a slack manner, there was no animation to suggest he might be alive. We walked on to the concert. Later the cops had found him, and were either trying to rouse him awake, or checking his vitals. I couldnt tell through all the pot smoke. Where was he "being"?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The night before a new life

Do they have lightning dragons in New Hampshire? Will I be able to taste shooting stars in the night air without out you? I hope for neither, or I hope for a way to fold you up in my pocket and take you there with me into the mountains. Maybe we can strip down and jump into a cool stream with no one looking, and stare at the moon in the reflection of the water. We can make song lyrics for ourselves, instead of clinging to a melody just not quite right.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Odds and ends

Garlic in the juice and chocolate in the pasta sauce. Two pairs of socks and no mittens. Hot sauce in the fridge and butter on the counter. Fly to Mexico and drive to Canada. Live in Massachusetts and live in Vermont.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wheat Field

Glittering in the field of grass, a gentle breeze blowing the seeds of a new destiny all around. We sat waiting for the lemon drop rays to melt off the sky and plummet to the ground where we lay. I wondered where everything was going to go, how we were going to be, but the sun tasted too sweet to think of such serious things.
And as we caught each little pearl of sun on our tongues, our most important worries dissolved away.

Friday, January 1, 2010

It read so much longer in your eyes

It's a new year. New plans. Our futures being quickly intertwined with our dreams, as if they had always been.
Now we'll sleep under a shower of burning stars slowly soaking into the strands of our hair, dripping cool beads of stardust on our feet.